We know it's been a long time since we've met, and we're really looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday, Nov. 29!! It's going to be a great meeting, as we have a great opportunity to tour the fire station! Girls will earn their magenta petal (Respect Authority) for attending this event. (Please note: Some girls may already have this petal.)
A few notes about the meeting:
- We have 19 girls in our troop, so good behavior during the tour is extremely important. Please talk to your daughter ahead of time and remind her that she should listen to the firefighters while they are speaking and respect their home away from home. (Anyone who is disruptive to the group during the tour may be asked to sit in the community room with one of the leaders.)
- The tour should last about 45 minutes, so our regular drop-off and pick-up times will be perfect.
- Alina is scheduled to bring snack. If we run out of time, we may send snacks home with girls to enjoy after the meeting.
Thank you to everyone who submitted items for the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes! The first graders (Troop 20048) and second graders (Troop 20661) collected enough items to fill about 10 shoeboxes. In addition, we used troop funds to cover shipping costs for six of the boxes ($21 from each troop). Way to go, girls!!!!