Brownie/Daisy Day was a rousing success. We stayed up late at night and ate s'mores, cooked over a fire, and earned a badge in Letterboxing! We're fired up now for camping and I'm thinking of planning another camping trip this fall. Pictures are below!
The girls get ready for their first station, a hike to find letterboxes.
Taking the troop picture.
Finding letterboxes...
Reading clues...
Playing freeze tag while in our down-time.
Time to move on!
On the troll bridge.
At the wishing tree.
When your stick falls out, your wish will come true!
Leaving our mark (stamp) in the book.
Snake! Not even dead!
Making our own stamps.
These stamps did not work out so good. But we tried.
Digging for treasure.
Ooo! Jewels!
Rings and necklaces!
Gold coins!
Playing games.
We are getting tired and a little loopy.
Fierce girls! And one cutie pie.
Girls. Enough with the sand, already.
Making singing apples after dinner.
Many apples fell into the fire. It was still fun though.
Thank you Miss Amy ^ and Miss Annette for your help with dinner!
Goodbye Camp McMillen!
We are trying to letterbox here and can't find the clues online!