Thursday, October 28, 2010

Operation Christmas Child

At Monday's meeting, we will be collecting donations for Operation Christmas Child. This organization supplies wrapped shoebox gifts to children during the holiday season. You may donate small notebooks, pencils, toys and/or personal hygiene items. For more information, go to

As always, donations are optional. We simply want to engage girls in an ongoing discussion about helping others in our community and beyond. 

Also, Troops 20048 and 20661 worked together last month to collect more than 53 pounds of canned goods for the Community Harvest Food Bank! If you think about it, that's about as much as a first-grade girl (give or take a few pounds!)

Upcoming Meetings

Here's a quick rundown of our upcoming meetings ... 

Nov. 1 -- We will continue our "Daisy Journey" and discuss the importance of being "Considerate and Caring" (girls will earn their light green petal). Petals earned to date will be distributed at the Nov. 29 meeting.

Nov. 29 -- We will take a tour of the fire station. The girls will earn their magenta petal, which represents "Respect Authority."

Dec. 6 -- We will have a Holiday Party at Painting Fun Spot. Please note the change in location. Meeting times will remain the same. The cost for each girl to paint an ornament is $10 -- the troop will cover half, and we ask that parents send the remaining $5. Checks should be made payable to Troop 20048. We'll send more information about this event in November.

Also, several families still owe paperwork, petals and/or troop dues. Jennifer will send individual emails to let you know what you still need to turn in. If you don't get an email, you're all caught up!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


It's time to put on your dancin' shoes! The Sock Hop is this Saturday from 7 to 9 p.m. at Summit Middle School. We have about 15 girls attending from our troop, so it should be a fun event! (We may try to gather for a troop photo at some point during the dance, but we're not sure of times. Stay tuned!)

We also have a meeting scheduled for next Monday, and we're looking forward to seeing everyone!! (So sorry for the long break between meetings ... our schedule is a bit sporadic this year, due to the availability of the fire station.) We'll officially begin our Daisy Journey, "Between Earth and Sky." If possible, girls should bring a few fall leaves from their yard or neighborhood. Savannah is scheduled to bring our snack.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Calling all dads!!

Sign up now for the first-ever He and Me Campout, which will be Nov. 12-13 at Camp McMillen.This first-of-its-kind event will give Girl Scouts and their dads (or other adult male) a chance to spend time together in the great outdoors! You can choose to spend the night Friday -- or just attend Saturday’s activities. You'll enjoy dinner over a campfire, a special dad-daughter craft, games, and S’mores! Cost is $20 for each dad-daughter pair ($25 for dads with more than one daughter). Girls will earn a fun patch.
If you are interested, please let us know so we can get you the event flier and registration form. Space is limited, and all registration forms are due Nov. 8.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tweet, tweet!

Looking for fun, inspirational and informative tidbits about the Girl Scouts of Northern Indiana-Michiana? Follow GSNIM on Twitter!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sock Hop -- last call!

If you plan to attend the Sock Hop on Oct. 23, please be sure turn in your form and money no later than Monday, Oct. 11. (There is a box on Jennifer's front porch where you can drop off forms.)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Meeting reminder

Just a quick reminder about our next meeting (Monday, Oct. 4). Here is what you will need to bring:
  • $15 troop dues, checks should be made payable to Troop 20048
  • An optional donation for the Community Harvest Food Bank
  • Sock Hop permission form and money, if you plan to attend
  • Fall product/cookie permission form (Participation in the fall product sale is completely optional, but here's some food for thought: Even if you chose to renew or subscribe to one magazine, it will help our troop!)
  • For those new to our troop: A pack of petals, available at the Girl Scout store on Dupont Road (If you haven't had time to go to the Girl Scout store, it's no problem. Just get them turned in when you can.)
Caroline will bring our snack. (Drinks are not necessary ... will we fill our reusable plastic cups with water.)