Thursday, March 24, 2011

Meeting reminder

Just a reminder that we have a regular Daisy meeting scheduled for Monday, March 28. Same time, same place! MaKayla is scheduled to bring our snack. Hope to see everyone there! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Girl Voices Survey

Our council, Girl Scouts of Northern Indiana-Michiana, is currently conducting a quick five-minute survey to gather information about our existing Girl Scout programs. Head over to to take the survey -- by doing so, you will be entered in a drawing for $500. (Parents and girls should do this together.)

Thank you!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Meeting reminder

Just a reminder that we have a regular Daisy meeting scheduled for Monday, March 7. Same time, same place!

Camryn is scheduled to bring our snack.

Also, it's the first meeting of the month, and if you would like to participate in our monthly "Girl Scouts Give Back" project, please consider bringing a
 small toiletry item for the Mad Anthonys Children’s Hope House. This organization provides temporary lodging for families whose children are receiving medical care away from home. (Requests: toothbrushes, travel-sized toothpaste, mouthwash, shampoo, conditioner.)

Finally, all Cookie Money is due on Thursday, March 10. If you would like to make a payment at Saturday's meeting, you're welcome to do that -- Becky will have a receipt book in hand! (And if you need to know your exact balance, let her know so she can print/send a balance sheet before the meeting.)