Sunday, September 8, 2013

Welcome back!

It's almost time to start our first year of Juniors. We will be meeting at the same place as last year, only we've added an extra 30 minutes to the meeting time since the girls are getting older and have more things to do as we earn badges.

We will be working on making the troop more girl-led as the year progresses. It's always fun to see how the girls grow and change from the beginning to the end of the year.

We have a camping trip planned for October with a 4th-grade troop from Covington Elementary. Some of the girls will know each other from camp. It will also be a chance to meet new friends! Details are coming...this will be a super fun girl-planned camping trip at Camp McMillen.

Please plan to stay at our first meeting on Sept. 23, to fill out paperwork and ask any questions you may have about our upcoming year. It's going to be great!


PS: I never posted pictures from our bridging ceremony last year, so at long last, here we are...serious and crazy, as always!

Pretending to be nice...

but here's what we're really like.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Camp Yale!

Camp Yale was awesome. It started out chilly and overcast, but the sun came out later and it turned out to be a beautiful day!

We started out with several challenges. The girls first had to figure out how to organize themselves on this beam by birthdate. Every time someone fell off, they had to start over.

We are not thrilled.

They finally worked out a way where they could step over each other. I'm not sure this would have worked with adults, but they got it done!

Harder than it looks.

We moved on to the teeter totter and iceberg challenges. Every girl had to get on and then they had to balance the platform. Once it was balanced, they had to sing Row Row Row Your Boat. These challenges were a good lesson in teamwork and frustration. There were tears at first, but as the challenges went on, they started listening more to each other, and figuring out how to solve the problems.

Maybe if everyone sits! No, maybe if everyone lays down! Maybe if we all stand in the corners! 

For the peanut butter pit, the girls had to figure out how to get from one side of the "pit" to the other using these blocks of wood. 

Savannah is excited about the peanut butter. Everyone else, not so much.

Just before lunch the girls each got a plastic piece of half-tube. The goal was to roll a marble from one end to the other, with each girl leaving her place and running to the other end to keep the ball rolling until they could get it into a bucket at the other end of the field.

Here's a video of the process in action:

After lunch we attacked the climbing wall.

Then the highlight of the day: the zip line! WOOOO! We should have spent all day doing this.

It was a super fun time!